Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road

Grand Tetons

October 15, 2023

Another epic stop on our journey! The Grand Tetons. We have spent two weeks at an RV park in Victor, Idaho as our home base. As I said in the previous post, Yellowstone was on the the top of our bucket list and it did not disappoint. Grand Tetons just happened to be close by and it has been a surprisingly favorite stop for all of us. I am realizing that we all really love the mountains!

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Psalm 90:2

It was time for a little rest. The first month of our trip felt very busy. We were moving the camper every couple of days and packing our days full of exploring. I have a tendency to fill every possible minute of time with going and seeing. Everyone was starting to run a little ragged.

Before leaving, we planned our trip through Yellowstone. At that point, we were going to decide whether to keep going or turn back for Ohio. The unanimous vote was to keep going, but Ken and I also knew we needed a little down time so we booked a second week in Victor. We were hoping it would allow us time to explore the Tetons more and slow down a little. We did both!

We rested. The boys played football and went swimming. We focused on schoolwork. The boys earned another junior ranger badge. Uncle Jake came for a quick visit and a few rounds of checkers! We hiked mountain trails, saw pristine mountain lakes, watched sunsets, spotted elk and moose, made snowballs at the top of the mountain pass, drove the scenic highway multiple times, and stopped at several of the turnouts to take in the scenic views.

Our hearts feel so full. Pictures do not do justice to the beauty of the Tetons, but we tried to capture God’s creation in all its glory.

Before leaving, we had the opportunity to visit a potato farm. Do you remember Keaton Ashton from Kids Baking Championship? My sister-in-law, Heidi, and nephew, Jonah, have kept in touch with Keaton and his mom. Keaton’s family owns a potato farm in Sugar City, Idaho. Heidi connected us with the Ashtons and they graciously gave us a tour of their potato farm. It happened to be potato harvest! We delivered meals to the family members working out in the fields, watched the machines work, and toured the potato storage barns. Each barn holds 8 million potatoes! Wow! We ended our field trip with lunch at Five Guys! The Ashtons sell some of their potatoes to Five Guys. Next time you eat at Five Guys, look at the board to see where the day’s potatoes came from. If you see Rocky Hollow Inc. in Sugar City, Idaho, you are eating potatoes from the Ashton’s farm! 🙂 Grant and Miles might say that their favorite part was getting to ride around the farm in a Bronco!!! What a treat to tour a working potato farm! I might have tried to convince Ken to buy a potato farm in Idaho and become potato farmers!!! He wasn’t buying it! So, I guess it is on to our next destination…Lake Tahoe!

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