Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road


October 23, 2022

We made it to Florida! Well, Florida, New York that is! Tomorrow we will be visiting Legoland, which Grant and Miles have been anxiously waiting for since we left Ohio! After Legoland, we will head on to New York City! 

Last week we were in Plymouth, Massachusetts and we had the best week! We were on the go from morning to after dark trying to squeeze in all the things Massachusetts has to offer. Sorry, this is going to be a long post as I give a quick recap on each of our days! 

Sunday, we explored Cape Cod! It was a beautiful 70* sunny day. We explored several of the towns which are so charming. We stumbled upon a cute Fall Festival in downtown Hyannis, ate lunch at a small pizza place, and drove through gorgeous coastal towns with some incredible houses. Our favorite stop was at the Nauset Lighthouse, which is the lighthouse on the bag of Cape Cod chips! We hiked down to the beach where the boys chased giant waves and we watched seals catching their evening meal while the sun set. It was magical! 

Monday, we visited the Plymouth museum which is a recreation of the Plymouth plantation and the Patuxet homeland. We also went downtown Plymouth to tour a Grist Mill, see Plymouth Rock, and explore the Mayflower 2, the reproduction of the Mayflower which was a gift to the United States from England.Â

Tuesday, I took the boys to Hopkinton, MA. Hopkinton might not be familiar to you, but it is the town that my family grew up in before we moved to Ohio. I drove the boys by the house I lived in until age 5 and we walked around the downtown. Hopkinton is also the starting line of the Boston Marathon! On the way back to the camper, we checked out Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. The boys loved picking out a souvenir at the Pro Shop. 

Wednesday, we did the Freedom Trail in downtown Boston. The Freedom Trail is an iconic 2.5 mile walk through 16 different sites— museums, churches, burying grounds, meeting houses, historic markers, and a ship—that tell the story of the American Revolution. It was so fascinating to see so many of the sites that we learned about last year during our study of the American Revolution.

Thursday, we explored a little bit of Rhode Island and Connecticut. Since we were not going to have enough time to make stops in these two states, the boys and I wanted to at least get a taste of each of these states. We visited Newport in Rhode Island and Mystic, Connecticut. We found a neat Maritime Museum in Mystic. 

Friday, we went back into Boston for the 225th birthday celebration of the USS Constitution, also known as Old Ironsides. Built as a navy ship for the War of 1812, she is the oldest ship in the world still afloat. The boat is usually a museum, but in honor of her birthday, the Navy sailed her out to Hull Island and back. We saw her as she reentered the harbor and gave a 17 gun salute at the place where she was built. We also spent some time in her amazing hands-on museum. We ended our day with dinner at Friendly’s! Friendly’s are no longer in Ohio so I wanted to be sure the boys got to experience Friendly’s and my favorite, their cone head sundae! 😉

Yesterday we had a 6 hour trip to New York which went relatively smoothly. The highlight was passing a billboard in Connecticut advertising the PEZ factory! Of course, we made a quick stop to check it out! 

What a week! We had an absolute blast exploring Massachusetts. It has been so nice to have a rest today after a very busy week! 

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