Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road


October 8, 2022

We had the most fabulous whale watching trip yesterday. The captain said we had the perfect fall weather day for Maine. Although a little chilly outside, the sun was shining and the ocean conditions were perfect. We journeyed out about 2 hours and then started looking for whales near the coast of Nova Scotia. Off in the distance they sighted a blow and we headed right over. It was so incredible! Two humpback whales coming up out of the water and waving their tails before they went back down. At one point we were spotting blows all around the boat. We ended up seeing over 10 different humpback whales, porpoises, harbor and gray seals, bald eagles and a variety of seabirds that are only seen out on the open ocean.  We had a research intern from the College of the Atlantic on the boat with us that was able to identify many of the whales by name based on tail markings. It was just spectacular! Unfortunately, after about an hour, a huge wall of fog rolled in and we had to head back. Thankfully we had a nice window to experience so many different creatures! It was an experience none of us will forget! 

We ended the day with dinner at a restaurant on the pier. Ken ordered his much anticipated 2 pound lobster and we ended the dinner with a delicious whoopie pie sundae (Minmin and Uncle Craig, we couldn’t help but think of you two as we enjoyed it!) It was a perfect day! 

The photos and videos I took with my phone do not even begin to capture the beauty of the whales, but I will share them anyway! Hopefully we will be able to get some of the professional photos that the crew took. 

This morning, Ken and Charlie woke up at 3:00 to hike up Cadillac Mountain to watch the sunrise, the first place to catch the sunrise in the United States. Cadillac Mountain is the highest point on the eastern seaboard of the United States. The hike was a tough one but they said it was a great experience.Â

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