Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road

New Hampshire

September 29, 2022

Welcome to New Hampshire! Wow, is it beautiful in New Hampshire! The leaves are changing colors, the mountains are stunning, the towns are so quaint, and the air is crisp. I keep taking pictures to capture the beauty, but the pictures just don’t capture the colors and magnificence. Trust me, it is beautiful! If you haven’t visited New Hampshire, you should add it to your bucket list! We did school this morning and then explored the local towns, many of which are ski towns. Tomorrow we are hoping to get in a little hiking and a gondola ride. 

We had a great time in Vermont. On Saturday, we visited my uncle who lives about an hour from Burlington in a beautiful mountain town. His house is built right over a mountain stream with a hiking trail right behind his house. He is also a retired architect and an artist. He gave us a tour of the studio that he built on the property. The boys were fascinated by all of his artwork! 

We also did some hiking in Vermont, toured the Ben and Jerry’s Factory (which was amazing!), visited an apple cider mill, saw a mountain lion on the side of the road, ate delicious pizza, and the boys played lots of football (mostly in the rain!). 

Our quick 3 hour trip to New Hampshire turned into quite the adventure. About an hour into our I drive, I was having intense pain in my lower back. Ken maneuvered our giant rig to a local ER, got me checked in and the boys set up in the back of the parking lot with the slides out and snacks. It turned out to be a kidney stone. They sent us on with pain medication and the hopes that the stone would pass quickly. Phew! Not exactly what we were anticipating for our beautiful scenic drive from Vermont to New Hampshire!Â

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