Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road


September 23, 2022

We made it to Vermont! We are staying at Apple Island Resort, located on Lake Champlain just outside of Burlington. It was an uneventful 5 hour drive and an easy arrival. After settling in, the boys played bingo at the community center and then we enjoyed a campfire and s’mores provided by the campground. The weather has changed and become a little on the chilly side! We are bundling up with a few more layers these days! 

We had a wonderful time in 1000 islands. We all agreed that it has been our favorite stop so far. Miles was unfortunately sick with whatever Grant had last week. We also had quite a few days of rain. However, we were still able to explore some of the local towns and the nature center and trails right at our state park. Charlie was able to see lots of freighters, some new ones and a few he’s seen before. We fell in love with the little town of Clayton which was right on the river. It had adorable gift shops and some neat little restaurants. 1000 islands is a really beautiful area with a low-key feel. 

It seems like we have found our routine with doing school on the road and Ken with working. He spent one morning working at a local coffee shop which offered a nice change of scenery. We like to get started with school right after breakfast so we can have the afternoons to adventure or be outside!

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