Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road

1,000 Islands

September 19, 2022

We made it to Wellesley Island State Park! And unfortunately so did the rain! We had an uneventful 4 hour trip to our campsite on Saturday with beautiful sunshine and blue skies. We had another back-in site and it went a little bit more smoothly this time. It still makes me so nervous every time Ken has to back in the trailer. He does a great job, but its just so much trailer to back into a somewhat tight spot! We made it and got everything all set up. Our site is very nice with a paved pad and the path to the playground and camp store right behind our spot. 

After getting settled, we checked the weather for Sunday and made a pontoon boat reservation for the day. The forecast said 77* and clear skies, a perfect day to explore the St. Lawerence Seaway. However, on Sunday morning, we woke up to gray skies and rain and a forecast that showed rain all day. We couldn’t believe it! And, we couldn’t cancel our boat reservation. So, we packed up towels, rain coats, changes of clothes, snacks and decided to make the best of it! 

About 10 minutes into our time out on the seaway, the rain started. We pulled up and docked at Boldt castle and decided to have a look around until the rain subsided. The castle was so neat and the boys really loved exploring all of the buildings and the rooms. The castle was built in 1900 by millionaire George. Boldt of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Construction was halted when his wife passed away unexpectedly in 1904 and the castle was never finished. The Thousand Islands Bridge Authority eventually took over the estate and has been restoring it based on George’s original blueprints. It was fascinating to explore both the restored rooms as well as the rooms that have remained untouched for over 100 years. 

Well, the rain did not stop while we did the castle tour, and as you can see in the pictures, boating in the pouring rain was miserable. Ken docked the boat in Alexandria Bay and we enjoyed a pizza lunch and some quaint shops while we waited for the rain to pass, which it finally did! 

Then, we explored the St. Lawerence Seaway and we loved it! The million dollar homes are incredible. Homes built on rocky cliffs and some built on their own private islands. Each home had unique charm and character. Charlie was in all of his glory as our little pontoon boat passed right next to a freighter. We turned around and came back on the Canadian side of the seaway. The boys did a quick jump in the water and then we returned the boat. The day didn’t quite go as we expected, but we all agreed it was worth it! We were wet. We were tired. There were a few tears and frustrations during the rain, but getting to experience the seaway from the water was incredible! We cannot wait to come back and spend a day on the water in the sunshine!

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