Brake Lights & Bug Bites

Tales from the Road

New York

September 8, 2022

Our first stop was Four Mile Creek State Park. It was our first experience with a back-in site which was a tad bit stressful! There were trees on both sides and written directions not to drive on the grass! After several attempts, we did it! A friend sent a meme: There are two things that test a marriage: 1. Having kids. 2. Parking/Backing a trailer!!! Isn’t that the truth!!! Ha!Â

Our spot is beautiful! Lake Ontario is our backyard, which is Charlie’s dream because he has seen at least 6 freighters already! It also provides incredible sunsets and a view of Toronto! Across the street is a playground and a big field for the boys to run and throw the football. We have 30 amp power, but we do not have water or sewer hookup. We filled up our fresh water tank when we arrived and will dump our tanks on the way out! The spots are very spacious and well maintained. It’s been a great start! 

The first night we settled in. The boys played and explored. We watched an amazing sunset and enjoyed some delicious local New York pizza! 

Day 1 was spent figuring out our routine and Ken getting his work setup running smoothly. The boys and I also explored Old Fort Niagara which was a great adventure. We learned about the history of the fort and explored all the original buildings. It was a very interactive experience.Â

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